by THE Carol Mudra | Mar 24, 2023 | Fun, Informative, Italy, Pet Friendly, Session Experience
We center our lives around our pets. From the moment those timid, waggly butts first enter our homes, they monopolize nearly every decision we make. Vacations are planned around them and work schedules are shifted for vet check-ups. We plan their potty breaks...
by THE Carol Mudra | Sep 16, 2022 | Informative, Session Experience, Tips
Does your pet model lack formal training? Are they perhaps a little overly energetic, camera shy or fearful? No problem. When I say I’m a pet photographer, a lot of people tend to think the same thing. “Oh my dog/cat would never sit still long enough for that.” Well...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jun 17, 2022 | Fun, Session Experience, Style, Tips
They’re fast. Sometimes non-stop fast. And oh-so-adorable when they take those precious naps. So how do you capture these precious puppy moments? So you’ve planned for weeks or even months. You’ve made adjustments to your home. Maybe you’ve switched...
by THE Carol Mudra | May 13, 2022 | Informative, Session Experience, Tips
Yes! Obviously. Here’s how. You’re scrolling through the socials and yet another awesome photo pops up from Apawture Studios. It’s a cute dog in a perfectly poised pose, with a head tilt so cute it could destabilize any force of power, dressed to the 9’s. And...
by THE Carol Mudra | Feb 15, 2022 | Session Experience, Tips
That was a trick! You really don’t have to do anything.Just show up! So you’ve decided you love my work. It’s the best ever. And you absolutely MUST work with me so you have pulled the trigger and booked a session. So now what do you need to do?! Nada! Just show up...