About Carol
Owner, Photographer, Personal Stylist
Meet Carol. She’s an American, Chicagoian specifically, living in Milan and her style shows just that. Years in the advertising world has taught her how to tell a damn good story and make it look damn good, too. That’s why she’s the perfect person to tell YOUR Bestie’s story, while make your Bestie look good, too. She also has (mostly) perfect threat-throwing aim.
*Please note – there are stairs to access my studio. Should you need a more accessable location, please let me know and I will make other arrangements.

apawture Studios
The origin story – how it all began
I’ve always wanted a sister. Someone to share outfits and take selfies with on all our fun adventures. Unfortunately, my parents said one daughter is daughter enough, and that dream never came to fruition. So I got a dog. Or rather, I met a boy who had a dog. His name was Paunch—the dog’s that is—and he just so happened to be about my size and also looked fabulous as a redhead.
When the boy went to visit family for Thanksgiving, somehow I ended up alone with The Dog for an entire week. I sat at one end of the couch and he sat on the other. And stared. I’d throw one of his toys and coax him to go get it. But he just sat there. And stared. I got a cookie for him which he gobbled up instantly without budging. And stared. What was I going to do with The Dog for a whole week? How was I going to impress The Boy that I liked if I couldn’t even win over The Dog?
Then it clicked. He was the perfect subject! He just sat there. And stared!
I called upon my years of experience as an art director, designer and videographer in the ad world. How can I captivate my audience—The Boy—while engaging the subject—The Dog—by bringing out his innermost ROCK STAR that I’d heard so much about? I dove into my wardrobe and styled a glam ensemble that was as kickass as Paunch was: a tutu, a bitchin’ blonde wig and some too-hip-to-be-square shades. Then, with the help of a drool-inducing glob of chunky peanut butter, I was able to lure the gaze of Paunch and his new look into my camera lens.
After sending The Boy the results of the first of many, many photo shoots, he could clearly see Paunch was in good hands and my new “sister”-from-another-mister and I were having a blast.
Unfortunately, Paunch’s chapter has since come to a close but I will treasure those goofy photos for the rest of my days. He helped me realized my deep love for all animal friends and I ended up making him my husband—The Boy that is.
And that, my fur-less friends, is how Apawture Studios was born.

Carol and her “sister”-from-another-mister and local Good Boy,

One of the first of many, many glam photoshoots with my first model, Paunch. Luckily, both my sense of style and photo skills have vastly improved since then!

Resident Models
“Not everyone needs a catahoula,” says the NALC (National Association of Louisiana Catahoulas) website. But I tell you, this studio wouldn’t be the same without these two fireballs. When the thundering backdrop comes down and the big, clicky box that makes flashes is out, Mucca (left) is the first to arrive, with his Good Side ready to get all the cheese payments. Nola (right) is quick to follow, because if Mucca loves it, she’s gotta get in on the fun too. Sit pretty, indeed!