by THE Carol Mudra | Mar 24, 2023 | Fun, Informative, Italy, Pet Friendly, Session Experience
We center our lives around our pets. From the moment those timid, waggly butts first enter our homes, they monopolize nearly every decision we make. Vacations are planned around them and work schedules are shifted for vet check-ups. We plan their potty breaks...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jan 20, 2023 | Informative, Italy, Session Experience, Style
Booking a portrait session for your pet has tons of advantages. Mainly, that you’re in the hands of a professional. That being said, us pros can’t do all the work. Here’s 5 things you shouldn’t do before you book a session, unless you and your dog want some...
by THE Carol Mudra | Dec 2, 2022 | Informative, Italy, Lifestyle, Pet Friendly, Review, Travel
“Pet friendly” seems to be a buzz word thrown about quite a bit lately, here in Italy. But Pet and Breakfast Guesthouse in Monferrato, gets it right. It just so happens to be the perfect backdrop for some lovely pet photos, too! Italy in general is much more pet...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jul 15, 2022 | Fun, Informative, Lifestyle
When you think of a “working dog,” maybe an image of a service dog comes to mind. Or you’re probably picturing a dog that’s spent months+ training to assist their human in some form. A dog that has a purpose beyond companionship. A working dog can also be one...
by THE Carol Mudra | Mar 18, 2022 | Informative, Session Experience, Style
What makes a portrait from Apawture Studios so dang special? My background has a lot to do with it! Professional Dog Portraits. Feline Photographing. Pet Photography. Whatever you may want to call it, it’s a fairly new thing. But damn, if it ain’t blowing up! Every...