Milan, Italy  |  +39 392 2526457   |

Milan, Italy  |  +39 392 2526457   |

Milan, Italy  |  +39 392 2526457

Feature image with two delicious looking dog cocktails with blueberries and raspberries.

How to add some spring to your Pup’s step with this refreshing Waghattan



That means “health” in Italian. It can also mean “cheers” or “to your health.” You also say it after someone sneezes.

So to me, it seems like cocktails and spring allergies go hand in hand.

Cocktail for dogs with stick and raspberry garnish.
This tasty dog cocktail will make ’em drool. Especially the part with the stick.

Now that flowers are in flight and bugs are in full bloom. This special dog-tail recipe will help!

Spring’s warming breeze brings lots of fuzzy bits getting stuck in your eyes. Tickly things are clinging to wet noses. Even the longest of muzzles have a hard time filtering mid-April pollen.

This is especially true if you live across the street from the about-to-burst-into-bloom Parco Vittoria Formentano. Or just downwind enough from Parco Forlanini.

Achoo gonna do about it? (See what I did there?)

It’s one small thing our pups love this time of year at Apawture Studios.

The WAGhattan!

It’s citrusy, sweet, full of carby goodness. Similar to the people version!

Ok, actually it’s totally different. However, your pups will do a BEG for it, every time, around this season for sneezin’.

Andiamo already with the recipe!

A beautifully shot set of cocktails for dogs with blueberry and raspberry stick garnishes.

Dog Waghattan Cocktail

THE Carol Mudra
It's like a delicious Manhattan, for your dog.
Prep Time 2 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 2 thirsty dogs
Calories 138 kcal
  • 1 Fancy Cocktail Bowl
  • 1 Shaker (not the wet dog kind)
  • 1 thin slide of orange peel
  • 2 shots rye (bread crumbs) 88ml
  • 1 shot sweeth purrmouth (the neighbor's cat's water)
  • 3-4 dashes aromatic butters (can be peanut, almond, or butter)
  • 1 pour filtered still water (best if from a spring)
  • 3 Maschino cherries (can be any fruit disguised as a cherry, because…Moschino)
  • 1 thin stick
  • Thinly slice a piece of the orange peel being careful not to cut into the bitter pith. Gently twist the peel to release the fragrant citrus aroma and drag it across the rim of your fancy dog cocktail bowl.
  • Fill your shaker generously with ice. Give remaining cubes to the small dog at your feet that appears out of thin air every time she hears the freezer door open, anxiously awaiting an ice cube to enjoy.
  • Crumble up rye bread pieces until you have created a fine dust and add to shaker.
  • Add your sweet purrmouth.
  • Next, add a dash or two of aromatic butters.
  • Top off the shaker with water – to taste.
  • Stir. Stir. Stir. (I know it's tempting, but you must resist the urge to shake here!)
  • Strain contents into cocktail bowl.
  • Garnish with a couple of fresh Moschino cherries speared onto a tasty park stick.
  • Slurp on and enjoy!

Did you actually try to make this for your favorite spring bunnies? Find me on the socials and let me know!

At the very least, it’s a taste of how fun we are to work with. If you’re curious about a session, reach out for a quick chat. I can even create a custom cocktail recipe for you!


This post is part of a blog circle of some of the most uber-talented pet photographers all over the world. Keep reading to hear about more special spots in cities all around the world.

Up next: Dog photographer, Courtney Bryson, takes you back to school on this Maltese’s sunrise session on the Georgia Tech campus in downtown Atlanta, GA.

Follow the circle until you land back on this page. Enjoy!

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Welcome to the Apawture Studios Blog where you'll learn about everything from poses to wet noses and all things fashion pet photography. Sign up for the VIPP(Very Important Pet Parent) Newsletter to be the first to know what we're up to.

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  1. Nicole

    Wow, you are so fancy! I definitely need to step up my game and give this a shot. Yes, pun totally intended! haha

  2. Cahlean

    Love the personality and puns of this post! Pup Manhattan’s??? Who would have thunk it!?! Will have to try this in the future!

    • THE Carol Mudra

      Oh if only my pups would drink normal water. Just kidding, of course, but I’m happy they’re always down to try my “elevated” recipes!! 😀

  3. Tracy Allard

    Waghattan – perfection! And such a fancy post, I can print the recipe (I did), and even pin it (love the picture of the tongue dipping in for a taste!). Bravo!

    • THE Carol Mudra

      Oh good to know! I haven’t tried printing it myself. Let me know if your pups approve of this fancy bread water!! Haha!

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