by THE Carol Mudra | Nov 4, 2022 | Action, Fun, Informative, Session Experience
What’s the one awesome thing we all need to do to stay alive?! Eat! Dogs too! And it’s one of the most expressive and funny ways to capture your dog in the studio: catching a treat mid-air! The idea of a dog’s teeth out, eyes rolled back and cheeks a flappin’ is...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jul 22, 2022 | Fun, Informative, Style
Dry and crispy out front, but still a cool building. Imagine this. It’s a balmy summer afternoon but the dogs are bouncing off the apartment walls. What does that mean? Park. Time. We go to the enclosed park that’s shaded by a canopy of “why would you plant a dog park...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jul 15, 2022 | Fun, Informative, Lifestyle
When you think of a “working dog,” maybe an image of a service dog comes to mind. Or you’re probably picturing a dog that’s spent months+ training to assist their human in some form. A dog that has a purpose beyond companionship. A working dog can also be one...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jul 1, 2022 | Fun, Informative, Lifestyle, Session Experience, Style
Imagine you have this crazy unique job that lots of people in the world didn’t even know was a thing. Then, imagine finding this awesome community of people, who also have this crazy unique job. Plus, they’re willing to talk shop all day with you and share all their...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jun 17, 2022 | Fun, Session Experience, Style, Tips
They’re fast. Sometimes non-stop fast. And oh-so-adorable when they take those precious naps. So how do you capture these precious puppy moments? So you’ve planned for weeks or even months. You’ve made adjustments to your home. Maybe you’ve switched...
by THE Carol Mudra | May 6, 2022 | Fashion, Fun, Style, Tips
One might say frames are a great way to box something in. I say they’re a great way to point something out! They can accentuate that long, hairy nose. They can magnify a pair of big “I can’t say no to those” eyes. Face Decor! By now, we all...