by THE Carol Mudra | Oct 27, 2023 | Fashion, Fun, Hot Tips, Italy, Lifestyle, Pet Friendly, Style
Dressed up dogs = heck yes! Here’s 3 important things to consider when picking the perfect outfit to reflect their style this Halloween. October! It’s here! Cool air = pants weather = hiding my pasty legs. What’s not to love. There’s the leaves, the desire to eat hot...
by THE Carol Mudra | Sep 29, 2023 | Fashion, Fun, Hot Tips, Informative, Session Experience
I see you(r dark soul). NOT my photo. Source. Ok so you’re chilling on the couch one evening and … wait…omg….Fido has the cutest little snaggle toof! You whip out your phone to finally snag a shot and….. Beelzedog. Not. Cute. If you have a black dog or cat at home,...
by THE Carol Mudra | Jun 30, 2023 | Fun, Lifestyle, Retreat, Travel
Whoooooie, is it possible to still be buzzing from such a great trip? In case you missed my last post, I went on a week-long trip with 17 other pet photographers back in May. This, of course, was the Not a Retreat “retreat.” We had 5 full days of shooting, 2 locations...
by THE Carol Mudra | May 26, 2023 | Fun, Lifestyle, Retreat, Travel
So when 4 fab Scottish pet photographers (Ewan of Mutley’s Snaps, Craig of Craig Cantwell Pet Photography, Lynn of The Strathearn Snapper and Nicola of Nicola Ptak Photography) put the call out for a Not A Retreat gather of pet photographers in Scotland, you gotta say...
by THE Carol Mudra | Mar 24, 2023 | Fun, Informative, Italy, Pet Friendly, Session Experience
We center our lives around our pets. From the moment those timid, waggly butts first enter our homes, they monopolize nearly every decision we make. Vacations are planned around them and work schedules are shifted for vet check-ups. We plan their potty breaks...
by THE Carol Mudra | Feb 24, 2023 | Fun, Informative, Italy, Lifestyle, Pet Friendly, Travel
Moving abroad can be a scary thing for anyone. But once I saw that picture of Mondello beach and it’s sparkly blue waters (teaming with jellyfish, mind you) I was sold. However, there were three big things that I wasn’t expecting upon moving to Italy. Modello Beach. I...